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January 13, 2006, 8:00 PM

What is Imagination?

Participants: Marcia Cavell, Harry Eyres, Rocco Landesman, Rick Moody, Edward Nersessian (moderator), Ned Rorem, C.K. Williams

Marcia Cavell is a philosopher and psychoanalyst. She is author of The Psychoanalytic Mind: From Freud to Philosophy.

Harry Eyres is a journalist, poet, environmentalist, wine writer, and theatre teacher. He is former theatre critic for The London Times and poetry editor for Daily Express. He publishes regular columnist in the The Financial Times weekend section and is author of Beginner's Guide to Plato's The Republic, Bluffer's Guide to Wine, and the poetry collection Hotel Eliseo.

Rocco Landesman is a theatrical entrepreneur and producer of Proof, The Producers, Gem of the Ocean, Into the Woods, and many other plays.

Rick Moody is the author of Demonology, The Ice Storm, Garden State, and other novels and essays.

Ned Rorem is a Pulitzer Prize winning composer, diarist and essayist on music.

C.K. Williams is a Pulitzer Prize winning poet. He teaches writing, poetry, and dramatic adaptation and translation at Princeton.


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