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  • Abed, S. & Alon, E. (forthcoming). Alfarabi's Philosophical Lexicon. The Gibb Memorial Trust.
  • Abed, S. (1988). Avicenna’s Logic. In Encyclopedia IRANICA. New York, New York: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
  • Abed, S. (1991). Aristotelian Logic and the Arabic Language in Alfarabi. Albany, New York: SUNY (State University of New York) Press.
  • Abed, S. (1992). Alfarabi's Political Regime (Al-siyasah al-madaniyyah). Translation from Arabic into Hebrew, with introduction and notes. Tel Aviv, Israel: University Publishing Projects.
  • Abed, S. (1993). Democracy, Peace, and the Arab-Israeli Conflict. Co-editor and chapter author. Boulder, Colorado: Lynne Rienner Publishers, Inc.
  • Abed, S. (1995). Islam and Democracy. In Democracy, War, and Peace in the Middle East, eds. David Ganham and Mark Tessler. Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press.
  • Abed, S. (1995). The Arab-Israeli Conflict (role in the religious, social, and political life of Muslims throughout the world; the question of Jerusalem; relevance of the concept of jihad, etc.). In The Encyclopedia of the Modern Islamic World, ed. John L. Esposito. London: Oxford University Press.
  • Abed, S. (1996). Language (the development of the Arabic language in the context of Islamic philosophy and science). In A History of Islamic Philosophy, eds. Oliver Leaman and Seyyed Hossein Nasr. United Kingdom: Routledge.
  • Abed, S. (Fall 2006). Focus on Contemporary Arabic: Conversations with Native Speakers. Yale University Press.
  • Abed, S. (forthcoming). The Arabic Language and Culture Amid Globalization: A Monograph.
  • Abed, S. (October 1991). A critical study of C.A. Qadir's Philosophy and Science in the Islamic World. (London: Croom Helm). In Philosophia (Philosophical Quarterly of Israel), No. 21.
  • Abed. S. (1993). Democracy and the Arab World. In Democracy, Peace, and the Arab-Israeli Conflict, eds. Edy Kaufman and Shukri Abed. Boulder, Colorado: Lynne Rienner Publishers, Inc.
  • Acconci, V. & Dworkin, C. (2006). Language to Cover a Page. The Early Writings of Vito Acconci.The MIT Press. Cambridge, Massachusetts.
  • Acconci, V. & Mayer, B. (2006). 0 TO 9: The Complete Magazine 1967-1969. Ugly Duckling Press, New York, New York.
  • Acconci, V. (2001). Vito Acconci/Acconci Studio: Acts of Architecture. Milwaukee Art Museum.
  • Acconci, V. (2006). Art becomes Architecture becomes Art: A Conversation between Vito Acconci and Kenny Schachter. Cristina Bechtler, ed. Springer Wien, New York.
  • Acconci, V., Basta, S., & Ricciardi, G., eds. (2006). Diary of a Body 1969-1973. Edizioni Charta, Milano, Italy
  • Acconci, V., Massera, J.C., Pfaff, L., Wavelet, C. (2005). Vito Hannibal Acconci Studio. Actar/MACBA.
  • Anzieu-Premmereur, C. & Cornillot, M. (2003). Pratiques psychanalytiques avec les bebes. Dunod, Paris. (Psychoanalytic treatments in babies and their parents.)
  • Anzieu-Premmereur, C. (1981). La régulation des naissances: Psychologie clinique et idéologie de la maitrise de la fécondité. Perspectives Psychiatriques, Paris, II, 6-46. (Birth Control: Clinical Psychology and the Theory of Fertility Control.)
  • Anzieu-Premmereur, C. (1983). Sandor Ferenczi et les femmes. Perspectives Psychiatriques, Paris, III, 92,163-179. (Sandor Ferenczi and Women.)
  • Anzieu-Premmereur, C. (1985). Nourrissons de mères déprimées ou délirantes. Perspectives Psychiatriques, Paris, 106, 254-276. (Infants of depressed or psychotic mothers.)
  • Anzieu-Premmereur, C. (1996). Un vécu feminin chez un homme en analyse. Psydialogue, Paris, 18-24. (A man who had feminine feelings during psychoanalysis.)
  • Anzieu-Premmereur, C. (1998). Accoucher aux USA. Champ Psychosomatique, 8, 85-96. (Giving Birth in the USA.)
  • Anzieu-Premmereur, C. (1998). Bruno, des sourires aux boutons. Perspectives Psychiatriques, Paris, 104,364-369. (Psychosomatic Disorders in a 5-month-old Baby with a Psychotic Mother.)
  • Anzieu-Premmereur, C. (1998). L’attention flottante du psychanalyste. Spirale, Paris, 9, 67-78. (The Psychoanalyst’s Floating Attention.)
  • Anzieu-Premmereur, C. (1998). Traitement analytique d’une petite fille anorexique. Journal de Psychanalyse de l’Enfant, Paris, 30-38. (Psychoanalysis of a four year-old Anorexic Girl.)
  • Anzieu-Premmereur, C. (1999). Technique psychothérapeutique et théorie de l’attachement. Psychiatrie de l’Enfant, Paris, XLII, 2,449-456. (Attachment Theory and Psychotherapeutic Technique.)
  • Anzieu-Premmereur, C. (1999). Une observation de bébé aux USA. Enfance et Psy., Paris,10,123-130. (A Baby’s Psychoanalytic Observation.)
  • Anzieu-Premmereur, C. (2000). L’instauration de la communication entre un bébé prématuré et sa mère; 18 mois d’observation. Cahiers du Centre Alfred Binet, Paris, 28, 19-30. (18 Month Home Observation of the Interaction between a Premature Baby and his Mother.)
  • Anzieu-Premmereur, C. (2000). Le Jeu entre 0 et 5 ans. Enfances et Psy., Paris, 15,30-36. (Children's Play from Birth to Five.)
  • Anzieu-Premmereur, C. (2000). Petite enfance et répression. Revue Française de Psychanalyse, La Repression, Paris, 2000, LXV, 1, 183-198. (Childhood and Repression.)
  • Anzieu-Premmereur, C. (2000). Psychothérapie père-mère-enfant: un garçon autiste de 12 mois. Cahiers du Centre Alfred Binet, Paris, 24-36. (Parent-Infant Psychotherapy: a 12-month-old Autistic Boy.)
  • Anzieu-Premmereur, C. (2000). Que sont devenues la pulsions? Histoire des débats américains autour de la métapsychologie; Monographies de la Revue Française de Psychanalyse: Sur les controverses américaines, Paris, 23-36. (History of the Debates in the USA about the Freudian Metapsychology.)
  • Anzieu-Premmereur, C. (2001). A propos de la technique en Analyse d’Enfant, Revue Psychanalyse et Enfance, Paris, 30,117-122. (Psychoanalytic Technique with Children.)
  • Anzieu-Premmereur, C. (2002). Après le 11 Septembre à New York, Des Enfants. Champ Psychosomatique, Paris, 28, 55-68. (Post 9/11 Psychoanalytic Understanding of New York Children's Behavior.)
  • Anzieu-Premmereur, C. (2002). Après le 11 Septembre. Revue Française de Psychanalyse, Paris, 2002, LXVI, 3, 865-876. (On September 11.)
  • Anzieu-Premmereur, C. (2002). L’analyse de Didier Anzieu avec Jacques Lacan. Journal des Psychologues (Special Issue on Didier Anzieu, directed by Christine Anzieu-Premmereur), Paris, 33-37. (Didier Anzieu's analysis with Jacques Lacan.)
  • Anzieu-Premmereur, C. (2002). L’observation du nourrisson, in A. De Mijolla. Vocabulaire International de la Psychanalyse, Calmann-Levy, Paris, 2002, 1128-1130. (On Baby’s Observation, in the French Dictionary of Psychoanalysis.)
  • Anzieu-Premmereur, C. (2002). Le World Trade Center, Temoignage d’une psychanalyste. Perspectives Psychiatriques, Paris, 2002, 41,4,258-261. (On the World Trade Center Tragedy.)
  • Anzieu-Premmereur, C. (2003). Pratiques psychanalytiques avec les bébés. Dunod, Paris. (Psychoanalytic treatments in babies and their parents.)
  • Anzieu-Premmereur, C. (2003). Ariane ou les fils complexes de l’attachement. Journal de la Psychanalyse d’Enfant, Paris. (Attachment disorder in a four-month-old baby.)
  • Anzieu-Premmereur, C. (2004). Trauma and Attachment Disorders in Three Female Generations. JICAP, 3(4): 480-485.
  • Anzieu-Premmereur, C. (March 2006). On the History of American Psychoanalysis. Le Point (special issue on psychoanalysis).
  • Anzieu-Premmereur, C., Anzieu, A., Daymas, S. (2000). Le jeu en psychothérapie de l’enfant. Dunod, Paris, 39-81. (The Play Technique in Parent-Infant Psychotherapy.)
  • Anzieu-Premmereur, C., Coates, S.W., Schechter, D.S., First, E., Steinberg, Z., Hamilton. V. (2002). Reflexions sur l’intervention de crise aupres des Enfants de New York après l’explosion du World Trade Center. Revue Psychotherapies, Paris, 22, 3, 143-152. (Crisis Intervention with New York City Children After the World Trade Center Bombing.)
  • Anzieu-Premmereur, C., Cupa, D., & Golse, B. (2000). L’attachement: perspectives actuelles, EDK, Paris, 130-140. (On Attachment.)
  • Armstrong, R.H. (2005). A Compulsion for Antiquity: Freud and the Ancient World. Cornell University Press.
  • Balint, E. (1993). Before I Was I: Psychoanalysis and the Imagination. New York: Guilford Press.
  • Baron-Cohen, S., Leslie, A.M., & Frith, U. (1985). Does the autistic child have a "theory of mind"? Cognition. 21, pp. 37-46.

