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June 02, 2007, 3:00 PM

Perspectives on Transference

Participants: Charles Brenner, Norman Doidge, Walter Freeman, Arnold Modell, Bradley Peterson, David Pincus (moderator)

Transference is a phenomenon that all psychoanalytic practitioners view as being a core and crucial part of the psychotherapeutic process. Traditionally, it has been thought of as an artifact of the psychoanalytic situation, where the patient unconsciously finds in the therapist features relevant to his or her psychic history. More recently, transference has been viewed as part of all human psychic functioning and all social relationships and the psychoanalytic situation takes unique advantage of this generic process. If transference is a process that occurs in both psychoanalytic interactions and everyday life, can it be regarded as an unconscious process with neuroscientific correlates? Further, is transference a function of the brain which has evolutionary antecedents in other species? This roundtable will explore these questions as well as other aspects of transference.

Charles Brenner is Training and Supervising Analyst at the New York Psychoanalytic Institute and a past President of the American Psychoanalytic Association. He is the author of numerous articles and several books, the most recent of which is Psychoanalysis or Mind and Meaning.

Norman Doidge is a psychiatrist, Training Analyst, researcher, essayist and poet. He is on the Research Faculty at the Columbia University Center for Psychoanalytic Training and Research and at the University of Toronto. A four time winner of Canada's National Magazine Gold Award, he is author of the recently released, The Brain That Changes Itself.

Walter J. Freeman is Professor of Molecular and Cell Biology at the University of California at Berkeley. He is a Guggenheim Fellow and the recipient of the Helmholtz Award and the Pioneer Award from the Neural Network Council. He is the author of Society of Brains: A Study in the Neuroscience of Love and Hate and How Brains Make Up Their Minds.

Arnold Modell is Training and Supervising Analyst at the Boston Psychoanalytic Socieity and Institute and Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. He is a practicing psychoanalyst and the author of five books, the lastest of which is Imagination and the Meaningful Brain.

Bradley Peterson is Suzanne Crosby Murphy Professor in Pediatric Neuropsychiatry and Director of Neuropsychiatry Research at Columbia University. He is also Reserach Coordinator of the Philoctetes Center.

David Pincus is Director of the MindBrain Consortium at Summa Hospital of Akron. He is in private practice, a member of the Cleveland Psychoanalytic Center, and on the faculties of NEOUCOM, Case Western Reserve University, and the Medical University of South Carolina. He sits on several editorial boards and has published articles and chapters on topics pertaining to the interface of mind and brain. His latest article is co-authored with Walter Freeman and Arnold Modell, entitled
A Neurobiological Model of Perception: Considerations for Transference.


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